The Art of the Brain-Flick
Whoa! Now that's a power I didn't know Lobo possessed. Apparently, during his first appearance in The Omega Men, he displayed superhuman finesse by flicking an alien's nose, thereby BLASTING HIS BRAIN OUT THE BACK OF HIS SKULL. Cool. Add this to the wide variety of other superhuman skills and Lobo seems pretty much unbeatable. Chief amongst these powers has got to be his ability to regenerate. And no, we're not talking Wolverine level regeneration here. We're talking the ability to completely regenerate from a DROP OF BLOOD. Lobo also seems to possess mad street-fighting skills, enough to take on powerhouses like Superman, Despero or even Darkseid and win. Opponent's Invulnerable? Means nothing to the 'Bo. He's made Kryptonians bleed on occasion, like so: Another ability of The Main Man seems to be the power to circumvent a GREEN LANTERN'S POWER RING. 'Bo attributes this power to the fact that the Lanterns' rings work on Willpower, and appar...