
Showing posts with the label roy thomas

The 10 Best Marvel Characters Created by Roy Thomas - A Ranking

  Roy Thomas is a legendary figure in the world of comic books, known for his incredible storytelling and character creation skills. His work shone like a beacon in the industry, particularly during his time with Marvel Comics where he succeeded Stan Lee as editor-in-chief. He is also one of the very first creators I took notice of, and that inspired me to read a voracious amount of comics. So in this post, we'll pay tribute to the great man and look at 10 of the greatest comic book characters he has brought to life, ranking them from great to greatest. What do you say, weirdos? Are you with me? Well, then let's get to it. 10. Morbius, the Living Vampire Michael Morbius, the living vampire, first appeared in "The Amazing Spider-Man" #101 (1971), the first issue not written by Stan Lee. Created by Thomas and Gil Kane, Morbius is a biochemist turned pseudo-vampire, straddling the line between hero and villain in his quest for a cure to his condition. Morbius is a fascin...

Radioactive Diaper Rash, Anyone?

  Right. Today we are here for one thing and one thing only: To discuss Hyperion’s huge atomic diaper. When Hyperion first made his appearance way back in Avengers #70 (ok, technically it was the last panel of #69) he was your typical Superman rip-off - super-strong, invulnerable, powers of flight and so-called ‘atomic vision,’ etc. And I couldn’t help but think that writer Roy Thomas and artist Sal Buscema were trying their level best to make him look utterly ridiculous. I mean, they forced Hype to wear a huge metallic diaper. The story of his first appearance was told in a serious tone with the very cosmos hanging in the balance, but here we have this clearly ridiculous fashion choice which boggles the mind. Usually Hyperion is portrayed as wearing tights, but when you display him bare-legged he immediately loses his threatening appearance and becomes what Rick Jones would have labeled in those days as uncool. I can only posit that this was a slam at DC’s Superman ...